Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Great Pumpkin Contest of 2009

Every year, my family gets together for a pumpkin carving party, where we (duh) carve pumpkins and eat delicious snacks. Beginning last year, the BF and I also have our own private pumpkin carving party, and we watch scary movies and roast pumpkin seeds while we carve. It has become a competition between us who can carve the better pumpkin, and, so sad for him, I always win. I must say, I am a fantastic pumpkin carver; I must have inherited that skill from my Mom, 'cause she is a super carver too. I love carving pumpkins! This year, I did a scary jack-o-lantern-headed scarecrow blowing in the wind, and the BF did a spooky face peeking through some blinds.

Wow, those are pretty awesome! Props to the BF, who lent his awesome camera skills. Unfortunately, we may have carved a tad too early, because it is one and a half weeks away from Halloween and our pumpkins have already started to rot. My jack-o-lantern head folded back on itself, so now it just looks like a headless scarecrow. Kinda loses the effect.

We are still awaiting our Halloween visitor that came to us last year: Mr. Squirrel. Here is a picture of last years pumpkins:

Not a great shot, but you can sort-of tell that the BF did a scary clown face, and I did a kitty-cat. Here is a the BF's (yummy!) pumpkin a few days later:

OMG, what happened here? We went on a stakeout, and discovered the culprit:

Oooh, busted! It was hilarious, Mr. Squirrel only ate the BF's pumpkin! It sure must have been a tasty one for him to let us get that close for a pic!

Because this years pumpkins are already rotting, the BF claims he wants a rematch, so he may have another chance to bring his game. We will see how it pans out. Happy Halloween!

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