Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Creme Brulee

Because I was left with another plethora of egg yolks, I decided to undertake the mission of making Creme Brulee, recipe courtesy of my baking bible, "Baking", by James Peterson.  This was something I had always avoided in the past, mainly because of the complete and utter unhealthiness of the recipe.  Oh, and not having a kitchen torch also had something to do with it.

Brief Version:
2 C Heavy Cream
2 tsp vanilla extract
6 egg yolks
1 C sugar

Not only had I never baked this dish before, but I had never even tasted it!  I know, appalling, right!?!  All I had were faint  memories of my sister happily exclaiming about how much she loved creme brulee, and how I wasn't interested in anything with such a fru-fru name.  Boy, was I missing out!  If I'd known how darn delicious it was, I would probably be about 50 pounds heavier.

Holy crap, was this stuff amazing or what!?!  Despite the fact that I accidentally doubled the sugar in the recipe, it was still outstanding.  I mean, it damn, well better be, how can you go wrong with sugar and cream and eggs? 

I had a fantastic time using my torch.  I love fire.

Oh, and this recipe could NOT have been easier!  Just throw everything in a saucepan, pour it into tiny trays sitting in a water bath, and throw it into the oven.  Top with sugar, and try not to get too carried away burning it up!

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