Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Homemade Pizzas!

I saw this recipe on Smitten Kitchen for Lemony Zucchini Goat Cheese Pizza, and I absolutely HAD to try it. I am just rabid for goat cheese, and I have (well, had, I will get to that in a later post) plenty of zucchini on hand from my backyard garden. I tweaked the recipe a little bit, added some fresh basil and tomatoes from my Mom and Dad's garden, as well as a bunch of spinach. I used garlic-herb goat cheese instead of plain for a little extra flavor.

The ingredients

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fair St. Louis

We finally decided to go to Fair St. Louis this year; I haven't been since I was a small child and a stranger gave me my first piece of Trident gum while watching the fireworks under the Arch. The bf digs the Counting Crows, and seeing as they were putting on a free show at Live on the Levee, and the weather wasn't searingly hot, we decided to head on down. Lucky for us, the bf has a primo parking spot in a downtown parking garage courtesy of his work.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer Smoothie Time!

I love me some smoothies! The bf has the most fantastic professional blender, it has a metal drive! (Whatever that means, it sounds fancy though!) It works superbly, when I am not breaking it, and at this point we have shelved the ice-cream maker to make room for the blender to stay permanently (for now) on the counter top. I have a very simple smoothie recipe (can't remember if it came from Cosmo or from Women's Health), all you need is a couple of ingredients, which you can mix up to your liking.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Watermelons R Us!

Hey y'all, we got watermelons! Really, really, really blurry watermelons!

At least, I'm pretty sure that's what they are!