Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fair St. Louis

We finally decided to go to Fair St. Louis this year; I haven't been since I was a small child and a stranger gave me my first piece of Trident gum while watching the fireworks under the Arch. The bf digs the Counting Crows, and seeing as they were putting on a free show at Live on the Levee, and the weather wasn't searingly hot, we decided to head on down. Lucky for us, the bf has a primo parking spot in a downtown parking garage courtesy of his work.

It was drizzling slightly, but nothing too terrible. The main factor that has kept me away from the fair in the past (in addition to the sweltering heat) was the crowd. I absolutely cannot stand too many people, I get claustrophobic and anxious and irritable and unhappy. We got to the edge of the crowd, and just kept walking and walking and walking on through. Eventually we got to the edge of the Mississippi River, where there was a lovely breeze and amazingly enough, very few people! We ended up directly behind the stage, so we could hear the music, but not see it, which was fine with us.

We also had front-row seats to the fireworks over the river, although we did not get to have the Arch as a backdrop because we were in front of it. That was okay, it was fantastic! The fireworks were awesome, but the bf didn't feel like dragging his fancy camera along, so he had to use my point-and-shoot to get some firework shots.

One crazy bonus of where we were sitting- we got to see the band! When their set was almost over, two vans pulled up almost directly on top of us. As soon as they finished, down the back ramp they all came, and climbed into one of the vans! I was waiting with my finger on the shoot button, but I knew I would have only one chance to get a pic and so I was very nervous that I would mess it up.

I know, the picture is terrible, but I swear, that is Adam Duritz from the Counting Crows. We thought he looked a little drunk. All in all, a very good time was had, and I would highly recommend going downtown to Fair St. Louis next year!

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