Thursday, December 3, 2009

Number One Most Favorite Cookie Ever!

SUGAR COOKIES, YUM!!!! Or, more precisely, The Best Rolled Sugar Cookies, recipe courtesy of Jill Saunders on

I use this recipe for Sugar Cookie Icing, also thanks to I sometimes find it is a little runny for precise decorating, so in the past I have added a little less milk, or a little extra sugar, or even some corn starch to thicken things up a bit. I have not tried the technique of painting the icing on with a pastry brush yet, but I assure you that is next on my list of things to try. This is the BEST ICING EVER!

Now, I know, the cookies I make are not the prettiest in the world, but I have determined that they are certainly the tastiest! The dough is also not the easiest I have ever worked with, and the cookies expand after baking, which can sometimes affect the shape of the cutout, but, upon trying other recipes that ARE easy to work with and DO hold their shape, I will make the sacrifice for taste ANY day.

These suckers are so damn delicious, you will never crave another type of cookie again. Okay, small exaggeration, but at least once a year, I MUST make a huge batch of these cookies and eat the majority all by myself.

This particular recipe makes an entire buttload of cookies, the recipe says a buttload is about equal to 60 (!) cookies. Before I do this fantastic and amazing recipe an injustice by leaving you thinking that the dough is hard to work with (it's not, put it in the fridge/freezer for about an hour), and that the icing is runny and impossible, let me just make this disclaimer: I am a novice baker. I am learning by trial and error what works, what doesn't, and how to make things look semi-decent. I am sure that a professional baker could make these look flipping fantastic. With a little more effort and lots of batches of practice cookies, I am sure I could get these bad boys looking pro in no time.

I have also tried another type of sugar cookie recipe and icing, courtesy of the Decorated Cookie blog. This blog is outstanding, the author clearly extraordinarily talented and creative. Even so, this cookie recipe fell a little flat for me, unfortunately, I did not fall in love with it. These recipes did have the perks of being very easy to work with, the icing was enjoyable to eat, and it sat well on the cookies. The recipe also made a humongous batch of icing, so I can use my huge vat of leftovers the next time I make cookies. I think for my next sugar cookie exploit, I will use my fave recipe with the icing from the Decorated Cookie. Check out her web page, you will be rapt for hours.

I've got my Christmas cookie cutters, now it's just a matter of learning how to apply icing in a manner that looks semi-edible!

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