Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Awww hellll yeah, Skittles Vodka!

It took the blogging world by storm, and I love me some vodka (not to mention CANDY), so of course I had to give it a shot.

 I bought the prettiest cheap Vodka I could find.

Newman and I had to separate all of our skittles by color.  One for me, one for the vodka!

I took old water bottles and filled them all with their different flavors, then filled them with vodka

I let them soak overnight, shaking them up every once in a while to hasten the process of dissolution.  Once the Skittles were dissolved, they formed a kind of gross white scrim on the top of the liquid.  To get rid of this, I strained each color through a coffee filter.  It was very sticky and messy, and I had red fingertips for the entire weekend.

 Time to taste the fruits (haha) of my labor!  Since cherry is my fave flavor, I tried that one first.  I mixed each color with diet 7up.

Oh yeah, taste the freakin' rainbow!  That is some delicious stuff, highly recommended!  I tried every flavor, and cherry was definitely the best.  It's like adult candy.  Yum!  One thing I didn't think to try was mixing flavors: I bet cherry-lemon or cherry-grape would have been pretty good.

This whole vodka-infusing idea is a pretty cool DIY.  The options are endless!  Nerds Vodka!  Mike & Ike Vodka!  Sour cherry coconut rum, holy Moses!

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