Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lemon Curdalicious

So, after making Dorie Greenspan's Perfect Party Cake, I had about a gajillion (fine, 8) egg yolks I needed to find a use for. After debating for about 2 seconds on what I should concoct, I landed upon a promising recipe for Lemon Curd.  I know, it's not the prettiest format, and since I made this recipe I've found about 6 other recipes all using slightly varied ingredients (number of yolks, butter or no...).  All that leads me to believe that a recipe for Lemon Curd is just a general suggestion, and that you can pretty much change it up slightly with little or no recriminations. 

I doubled the recipe that I found, using the following ingredients:

8 large egg yolks
1 1/2 C sugar
6 oz lemon juice, freshly squeezed (about 4 large lemons)
8 T unsalted butter
pinch of salt
4 tsp lemon zest, finely grated

4 teaspoons of lemon zest

My oh my, this turned out deeeelicious!  I couldn't stop sneaking spoonfuls from the bowl.  Now I have one delicious food item, made from the leftovers from another tasty food item, that I can use as an ingredient in any number of new scrumptious food items!  I love recycling!

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