Friday, March 5, 2010


I found this recipe for delectable Honeycomb Candy on the Seattlest, via the Kitchn.  I am in love with two things here:  the Kitchn, a totally bitchn flog with tips and recipes galore, and, doy, Honeycomb Candy!  One of my faves from Bissinger's or one of those other choco shops, Honeycomb candy has been a family staple for decades.  I  never knew how easy it was to make it at home!  Seriously, only 4 ingredients!?! Shut up talkin' to me!  I got my ingredients together, readied a small baking pan with my silicone mat, broke out my digital thermometer and big ol' pot, and was set to go.

It's all about product placement

Once all of the items were in the big ol' pot together, it only took maybe 5-10 minutes before they finally reached 300 degrees.  I may or may not have burned it a little bit, a result of leaving the thermometer in one place along the side.  When I finally moved it, the temperature in the middle was more like 312 or so.  It did not smell good, I am not sure whether or not that is due to the maybe burning factor.  Let me tell you, the house reeked for days. 
That is a big ole' pot

I was a little scared to add the baking soda, afraid that the mixture was going to overflow, but luckily it was not that close.  I whisked and whisked, then poured the whole mass on my now too-small baking sheet.  Since it started to ooze over the sides, I put some paper towels under the sheet, which the honeycomb edges promptly stuck to.

Next time I will use a bigger baking sheet

I put the whole mess in the refrigerater for quick cooling, and in one hour, came back to break it up.  The middle had a strange taste, maybe burnt?  The edges were tasty, the BF pretty much thought the entire thing was grody. 

I liked it, even though it tasted weird, hey, it's sugar!  I decided to dip some of it in some melted chocolate to make it officially like in the candy stores.  I thought it was pretty tasty then, so much so that I decided to dip the rest of it in chocolate once I ran out of the first chocolate batch!  I gave some to my sister, and she said they were good, but maybe she's just being nice.  I ate them anyway.
Mmm, chocolate.  Hi Newman.

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