Friday, October 21, 2011

May I present....Miss Puma!

A few months ago our kitty Pinky passed away.  I had to take O'Malley to the vet, and sometimes they will keep stray or abandoned cats that people have found, to find new homes for them.  I asked the vet if they happened to have any kitties available at the moment, and they introduced me to "Black Beauty".   It was love at first sight.

She is about one year old, spayed and declawed.  She had been kept in a bathroom her whole life by a woman who had lots of dogs.  My vet (the best vet ever - St. Louis City Cat Clinic) let us try her out on a temporary basis to see if she would get along with O'Malley and the dogs.  The last cat we tried temporarily had to be given back because she kept getting in fights with everyone.

I brought her home, and she was very shy.  At first she didn't want to come our of her cage, then she didn't want to come out of her room.  She had never been exposed to very much, so everything was pretty much being seen for the first time.  She was terrified of the dogs at first.

Automatically she loved O'Malley, which was completely amazing to me.  When she was locked in the bathroom her whole life, she had been in there with another cat.  This girl is so sweet, when you look at her she will roll over so you can rub her tummy.

She is so engaging, and wants to explore everything.  At the same time, she is a little timid, and if you talk sharply or walk toward her too fast, she will run away.  She loves to play, and has completely warmed up to both dogs.  She and Neko chase each other all over the house. 

What a honey girl!

She is sleek and gorgeous, and also hilarious.  Her feet are too big for her tiny body, so she is a little clumsy sometimes.  We think that is because she didn't have room to run around in the bathroom she was kept in.

I love her so much, and I can tell that she loves me back and is very happy to have a whole house to run around in.  She loves to rip up toilet paper and paper towels.

She also enjoys biting the BF's toes when he's trying to sleep.

She is starting to enjoy human food, and seems to not understand boundaries when it comes to taking things from my plate or the counter.

Miss Puma is so funny and beautiful and happy, she is such a joy to have around.   Last night she took a pair of the BF's dirty socks all the way from the basement up to the top floor.  JV says she has a foot fetish.

Best friends!


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