Friday, October 21, 2011

Vacation - 3 Months Late

The BF and I went on vacation to Rhode Island this year.  We were there for a week and a half surrounding the 4th of July.

Since I have become a vegetarian and am trying to watch what I eat, it was hard to find places that didn't just have fried seafood.  This is where we ate most of the time: 

We visited Providence, and saw the Rhode Island State House.

Totally historic.


The river before they lit up the WaterFire Display:

Not a statue!

We took this ourselves:

Oooh, pretty fire!

View of First Beach in Newport from the Cliff Walk:

It was so foggy you couldn't see the top of the bridge!  Does it end up there?  OMG!

No, not the same as on the Deadliest Catch:

Our own private cove on Beavertail:

Newport Bridge:

When we were out of town and my little Pinky passed away, I was so upset, I didn't know what to do.  My Uncle's cat Little Bubba was so sweet to me, letting me hug her and follow her around, it was very therapeutic.  There are some times in life when the only thing that helps is to hug a cat.

When we were flying home, who did we happen to see in the Philly airport, but Dick Vermeil, the previous coach of the St. Louis Rams!  Since we were on standby, and were put on the plane last, the BF got to sit right next to him!  That was pretty awesome.

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