Sunday, June 28, 2009

Garden Amendment

The other day I found out that all of my "watermelon" plants (that I grew from seed beginning over 4 months ago) are in actuality "zucchini" plants. That makes sense, because I planted the two sets of seeds next to each other in the same little peat starter pods. I guess that's why gardenistas always tell you to label your plants! Ha! Minor amateur gardener faux-pas! That really explains why all of my so-called watermelons look so much like zucchinis. And why the new zucchini plants look so much like the old "watermelon" plants. Good thing I love zucchini!

So I uprooted my 3 new zucchini plants and put in 2 watermelon seeds. I know it is way to late for this, but I just feel better having watermelons be a part of my garden, I wanted to grow them so badly. I am okay with the fact that we will be harvesting melons come November.

On a happy note, some of these zucchini look almost ready to pluck! They say you should harvest when they are about six inches long. Although they can quickly grow much larger than that (one source said they could grow to the size of baseball bats!), they will have the same amount of nutrients as a smaller one, and a lot less flavor. Very exciting, I will let everyone know when I harvest the first crop!

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