Friday, June 12, 2009

Nom Nom Nom

I like to cook. I never claimed to be good at it though. I enjoy putting healthy and delicious recipes together, but most of all, I love to eat! There are about 50 bajillion or so food blogs (I call them Flogs) that I frequent, constantly printing out recipes, fantasizing about some, failing at others. These people are absolutely amazing; not only are they geniuses in the kitchen, but master photographers as well! It can be incredibly daunting to a girl with aptitude for neither. Here is a recipe I tried from one of the Flogs I visit called Simply Recipes:

Flank Steak Stir-Fry with Asparagus and Red Peppers

It was very tasty! It was also my first attempt at cooking with red peppers, which turned out to be quite successful. In case you haven't noticed that I am the worst photographer in the world, let me quickly draw your attention to that fact. It doesn't help that when referring to this post, the BF absentmindedly said, "The one with the trash?". Yes, he was referring to the picture, although I think it looks a bit more like vomit than trash. Still tasted great though!

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