Friday, June 19, 2009

Stuffed Zucchini with Turkey Sausage

I found this recipe on one of the flogs I read, Simply Recipes. I thought it looked mostly healthy, and I am just cuckoo for zucchini. I know, I know, another repulsive picture. Don't let it fool you though; this dish was delish! It was about a million times more difficult to make than I thought it would be (it took almost 2 hours from start to finish!), but absolutely worth it. Somehow (maybe it was all the pepper?), the turkey (okay, I used ground chicken, it was cheaper) actually tasted like sausage! It was amazing. I ate all of the leftovers, very yum! Next time, I would halve the amount of salt and pepper, but those are the only changes I would make. Well worth the time!

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