Friday, June 12, 2009

ickles and Lardee, Whee!

I am madly in love with ickles and Lardee, the two Milk Teef at My Milk Toof . If you want to see the most adorable and creative website EVER, just click the link, fool!

ickles has some new teef!

In the manner that people get songs stuck in their heads, I have always had words or phrases stuck in mine. Certain things I read or hear will keep popping up repeatedly in my mind at random times throughout the day. As soon as I first saw this website, I cannot stop saying to myself, "Lardee and Ickles, Lardee and ickles". I think it may be an obsession. They are just so damn cute, and have really been brought to life. I imagine the artist as thinking of them as her children. I know I would. Anyway, I insisted to the BF that I would call him ickles, and he could call me Lardee. No other interpretation of the word though; no Lardo, Lardass, or LardLard. Alas, the rule was broken, so now we are both Lardee!

It also deserves a mention that the artist who created these fantastic characters was just the sweetest thing ever when I contacted her to ask permission to post her work. Thanks Inhae!

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