Friday, June 12, 2009

I haz a garden

This year I have attempted to take up gardening, despite the fact that I am terrible at growing things. The idea of producing my own fruits and vegetables appealed to me, because I am always buying so much at the market! I dug up a 6 foot by 12 foot plot of land in the backyard (My man tilled it for me, thank goodness for him!), and have planted a few watermelon plants, some zucchini, spinach, garlic, and cantaloupe. The watermelon were started from seed indoors early in the season, all the rest began growth in the garden. The watermelon are just beginning to produce fruit, it is amazing! They are definitely the biggest of all the plants so far, the canteloupe were started kind of late as more of an afterthought because I had extra space. It is a fun hobby, I did not expect the feelings of actually caring for these plants as living things, having brought them up from practically invisible seeds. Now they are like my children!

No, no, don't be fooled. This is not professional landscaping, I did almost all of it by myself!

A watermelon plant

What's this? OMG, my very first watermelon! It looks like a juicy one!

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